Sunday, January 2, 2022

The GG Allin of Literature

The blog title is misleading. It should be "GG Allin in Literature," but that doesn't attract a crowd. At this point, I'm not sure how big of a crowd his name attracts anyway, having been dead for far too long, but those who remember him know one thing: they never associate the "rock 'n' roll terrorist" with books. GG was not known for his love of reading. I'm not going to go into all of GG's antics both on and offstage. Look him up if you are curious. I'll just say they involve lots of blood, feces (thrown and eaten), wanton sex (with everyone), drugs, gallons of alcohol, and a whole lot of beautiful, wet violence . . . often of the random sort. I've had my own past with GG Allin, which I've detailed in other blogs, but now I'm getting to know him in a whole new way. I get to read about him as the Sin-Eater, the savior of the world, a floating baby, an operative for President Bush, and a giant robot.

What the fuck am I talking about?

Blood for You: A Literary Tribute to GG Allin. That's what. I'm only about halfway through the book and it's already been a ride as wild as the legend himself. I'm not going to do a full book review of it yet. I just want you to be aware it exists in case I die before I finish the damn thing. It's a real novel; a fictionalized account of GG Allin's  different lives. He is many different things here, and since it is an anthology, your enjoyment of his many guises is going to vary. That's just the nature of the biz.

As I mentioned, I'm not done with it yet, but I do know one thing: by this point you know if you want it or not. Any review I would write doesn't matter. You either want it because it exists (which is I why I bought it), or you want to stay away from it for the same reason. Nobody is going to accidentally buy this thinking it is a children's book or the latest Chomsky. They are buying it because it's GG . . . or not buying it for the same reason.

I went into it expecting entertainment, not greatness. I'll let you know how it all goes. At this point, however, my words mean nothing. Stay tuned here if for some odd reason you are on the fence about the whole thing. If that is you, I find that kind of weird. I've never known a GG fan to be on the fence about anything, let alone a work of fiction about the man.

Oh, and I should mention that a certain serial killer friend of GG's in real life makes more than one appearance. Now you should really know if you want it or not.

Clicking on a link may get me some scratch to buy more of Allin's music because I'm an affiliate of Amazon. Enjoy!

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