Monday, August 22, 2011

Letters from George 9

And yet another letter from master of mayhem, sultan of sweet revenge, corporal of chaos, George Hayduke.  The one and only Bad Day Motherfucker.  This letter is short and sweet, and thanks me for sharing a story with him.

Hi Doug,

Hey, you're one creative, funny guy.  I loved your biker/buddy scam.  You can be sure that this one will be in a future book.  What penname do you want me to use for credit ... yours ... or a funny name?  You tell me.

And, yes, of course, I'd love to hear from you if you have other, funny stuff to share ... always.

Thanks again.

Cheers, George Hayduke

Yes, I did send him a anecdote about me fucking with a biker I worked with at the time.  Yes, the biker got revenge, but not on me.  Well, a little on me, but that was nothing more than screwing some company property I was using.  The other guy in on the prank didn't fare so well, and the biker's revenge consisted of flattening all four of the guy's car tires.  The only reason I can think that he did that to him and not me was he knew I was the brains behind the prank (which I admitted to once he went ballistic) and he thought if I got him that good he would pretty much have to kill me to make things even and he wasn't ready to go that route.

Ahh, the good ol' days.  Revenge was sweet and the howls of anger even sweeter.

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